about me

Hello everyone , a little about saneva blogs, saneva blog is a blog that contains about social media, android games, android apps, tips and tricks blogger or tips for our lives and do not forget I also provide a good software for PC or Laptop .

saneva blog was established on 18 november 2014, new still yes hehe ..
saneva blog name is taken from one area name arrowroot Indonesian province of West Java , I think the name is unique and easy to remember also ,
saneva also struck me was the name stands for :

S = System
A = Android
N = Network
E = Education
v = Vision
A = All

originated from the loading system and mods like android,I decided to name this blog as saneva blog .

I have a great hobby and the writing and blogging blogging Maybe the word could also benefit in the form of money , but I do not care about it first , it could be the last money matters , which is important I want to distribute my hobby in this blog would also be useful for the saneva reader blog . and I have a great blog that provides information technology , latest gadgets , and much more . You can visit http://www.saneva.net to see my article or site maps can see in my blog .

for information , complaints , reques article or would like to advertise on my blog , can contact me at the contact us or give me a comment in one of my articles

That's it and I would say thank you for your attention . Nice to see you .